There is a huge number of different vitamin


4. Take vitamins

Intake of vitamin B6 and magnesium can be beneficial to women that suffer from severe menstrual cramps. There is a huge number of different vitamin compl find exes that can facilitate pain during periods. However, you should consult with your gynecologist before taking them. 

You can also receive the necessary amount of vitamins with the help of a healthy diet. Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins and fiber that can improve your health and well-being. Try to include more healthy food into your house diet before the periods to ease your painful sensations.


5. Try yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation can ease your pain as well. The reality is that yoga is a physical activity that has the same benefits as exercising. In addition, yoga also helps relax the muscles of your pelvic area. To stay on the safe side, it is better to choose simple poses that don’t require spe business cial skills.

Meditation will help you concentrate on your pain and get rid of it. Take a comfortable position (sitting in the lotus position is not necessary) and listen to your body. You can also add aromatherapy to enhance the effect of meditation.

6. Have sex                            

Some people think that having sex during periods is unacceptable and disgusting. But the reality is that sex also helps relieve pain. You should know that orgasm enhances the production of endorphins. Moreover, sex relaxes and provides you with pleasant emotions. In order to keep your shits clean, you can take a warm shower and lay a towel on the bed.

7. Take hormonal contraception

Many women who take hormonal contraception report that their cramps during menstruation became less severe. Birth control pills include hormones that suppress ovulation. This significantly reduces painful sensations during periods. In addition, hormonal contraception can ease the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). However, you should understand that only a doctor can choose an appropriate type of birth control pills after examinations 


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